Long Distance |

Wearing Stussy & Def

3 months doesn’t seem like a long time. Only 92 days. 2,208 hours. 7,948,800 seconds. To me specifically the 3 months I’m talking about felt like a lifetime. My Partner in crime, my Peter Pan was in Pennsylvania and for majority of that time I was 14,149km away from him in New Zealand. Anyway enough with the figures and into my head. 

I got on my flight from San Francisco Airport boarding to Newark, New Jersey. All the distance was about to disappear. My little head filled with thoughts, excitement with a side of nerves. What if he’s changed? All these what if’s... I got to the hotel room was pretty exhausted so lay my thoughts down of the crisp white pillows as the suspense kicked in. Before I knew it I was in the lobby with only minutes to go. I turned around and the butterflies from my tummy lifted my feet into a light run, as I flew into what felt like a strangers arms. I couldn’t help, but laugh and not want to let go ever again. We spent hours & hours catching up, non-stop talking, we looked at the clock and it was already 1am, starving with not much nearby and open we ordered Chinese delivery. Sharing noodles and fortune cookies, like a cliche movie. Feeling cheesy, feeding each other, kissing and cuddling. Honestly it felt so surreal to be back in his arms. Distance makes the heart grow stronger. 


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